A Holiday Gift Idea to Help Bring
Peace on Earth to All Beings
Buying these books as gifts helps save the lives of animals in 3 big ways:
1. I will donate all my proceeds to animal rights organizations.
2. Give these books to ministers, spiritual teachers, friends, family, prisoners, co-workers, school teachers, farmers, physicians, politicians, hunters, environmentalists, peace workers, etc., and they just might
Go Vegan.
3. Give these books to vegan friends to bring them comfort, inspiration, and to share our common vision of Peace on Earth for All Beings.
How to order one or both of these books:
If you want signed copies of either book, email me at judycarman@ymail.com.
To order Peace to All Beings as a book or Kindle, click here.
To order The Missing Peace as a book or Kindle, click here
I wish you and yours the happiest and most blessed of holidays.
Peace to you and to all beings
More about the books:
Peace to All Beings: Veggie Soup for the Chicken's Soul is for all who wish to free the chickens from the soup pots, the cows from the slaughterhouses, the minks from the fur farms… to free all animals from suffering and from their bondage to human beings, and in so doing, to help free humanity from its bondage to violence and to become "Homo Ahimsa" (the nonviolent human). This visionary book of hope for a world at peace is also an excellent reference for animal activists who wish to explore the interconnectedness of animal rights, ecology, world peace, and social justice. This is a guidebook...full of fact-based reasons that explain why we human beings must make peace with the animal nations if we are ever to find true inner peace, heal our earth, and create authentic world peace. This is a valuable aid for those seekiing to live in harmony with the values of compassion, nonviolence, and reverence for all life. As Norm Phelps, author of The Dominion of Love and many other books, said in his review "...Peace to All Beings will make a great gift for the vegan... or the activist in danger of burnout, not to mention pastors, rabbis, and spiritual leaders of all traditions who have not yet fully realized the importance of making peace with what Carman respectfully calls 'the animal nations.'"
The Missing Peace contains many personal stories written by people who have found that veganism not only improved their health, but greatly heightened their sense of inner peace and compassion. Once we liberate ourselves to truly connect with animals by no longer eating or using them, a deep sense of joy begins to bubble up and permeate our lives in miraculous ways. Also included in the book are references to ancient and modern teachings that explain why living a nonviolent life is essential to finding inner peace and creating world peace. About The Missing Peace, John Robbins, author of Diet for a New America, said “Many of us dream of a planet healed and nurtured by a universal reverence for life. Yet, until we begin to deeply grasp the power of our eating habits, we cannot bring this dream into reality. The Missing Peace is a book designed to help us make the dream come true--not only for the earth, animals, and people, but also for ourselves. We all want inner peace. This essential and fascinating book helps us understand with sudden clarity why that peace has been so elusive and shares with us the amazingly simple way to find it at last."