A few days ago in Canada an elderly man
was pulled out of his vehicle, handcuffed and forcibly taken to jail. His
crime? He honked in support of the 60,000
(and counting) truckers who are currently rallying in Canada in an ongoing
peaceful protest for freedom. Like activists for peace, animals, and the
environment, the truckers and this elderly man are considered terrorists. Why?
Because they believe all human beings have an inalienable right to freedom from
government control and freedom of speech and assembly. Why are animal activists
and vegans considered terrorists, subject to jail and fines for protecting suffering
animals? Because we believe that all beings, including the human ones, deserve
absolute and inviolable freedom. Why are peace activists considered terrorists?
Because they think war is a very bad idea—useful to governments, the war machine and central banks, lethal for us.
Why are activists for the earth considered terrorists? Because they want to
stop the reckless destruction of the earth by the power elite.
On February 7, 2022, the
Department of Homeland Security produced its “Summary
of Terrorism Threats to the Homeland.”
It states, in part, “The United States remains in a heightened threat environment
fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or
misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and
mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and
domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction
to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to
encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.”
A key phrase points to undermining “public
trust in government institutions.” That’s one of our primary jobs as activists
isn’t it? It is precisely trust in elite government institutions and their
corporate handlers that has led to massive extinction of wild animals; the
sickening abuse and slaughter of trillions of cows, pigs, chickens, fish and
others for food, experiments, “entertainment,” etc.; and the desecration of our
sacred earth mother’s air, water and soils. We must always be on the lookout
for bad deeds and criminal acts by the government (and their corporate
sponsors) against those who cannot defend themselves. That’s what we do.
DHS also wants to “protect” us from “false and
misleading narratives and conspiracy theories.” The narratives that have been
force-fed to nearly every person on the planet are falling apart from the sheer
weight of their falsehoods. When nearly every government in the world suddenly,
and clearly on cue, begins lockdowns of healthy people, ruining small
businesses, and closing schools, does this not warrant “theories” on all our
parts as we try to make sense of such madness?
Activists—veteran questioners of the status quo—do not believe much of
anything the government has to say and certainly not this. And when they ramp
up the censoring and telling us they are protecting us from misinformation for
our own good?—No. That is our job as individuals, as questioners, as critical
thinkers. We research for ourselves. We seek the truth always. In fact, like
Gandhi’s nonviolent satyagraha, we insist (agraha) on truth (satya).
Since those first days, we have seen the
narratives we have been told to accept unquestioningly (as if an activist could
ever do that), begin to crumble. Many countries have now lifted their covid
restrictions. And we have seen activism at its finest as people from all walks
of life, including the courageous truckers of Canada, risk all to let these
governments know we are not letting go of our freedom. They are afraid of us,
not because we are violent. We are not. Our activism comes straight from the
love in our hearts—for our loved ones, for all beings, and for liberty for all
and freedom from totalitarian control. No. They are afraid of us because there are
a lot more of us than there are of them. We don’t need violence to regain our
freedom. We only need to stand together. That is precisely why the DHS statement
is designed to make us afraid of each other. If they can divide us, they can
win the control that they are bent on achieving.
These power elites are fiercely focused on
total control of humanity, and they have been working on it for a long time.
The resources online that have managed to evade censoring by Facebook, Twitter,
and others are there for all to see. Several shining examples include Children’s Health Defense and Del Bigtree’s Highwire. Attorney
Reiner Fuellmich’s Grand Jury opening statement accusing Gates, Fauci and
others of crimes against humanity is crucial to hear. Joe
Rogan’s thorough interview of the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, Dr.
Robert Malone, is critical to understanding the depth and breadth of the
deception and attempted control that is taking place. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s
new book, The
Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and
Public Health reveals jaw-dropping facts that we the people simply
cannot afford to ignore. On page 404, he
states, “Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, and Global Mercury were only three of
over a dozen Germ Games staged by military, medical, and intelligence planners
leading up to COVID-19. Each of these Kafkaesque exercises became uncanny
predictors of a dystopian age that pandemic planners dubbed the ‘New Normal.’
The consistent feature is an affinity among their simulation designers for
militarizing medicine and introducing centralized autocratic governance.” At
this point (early February, 2022) in this fast-moving covid drama, Canadian Prime
Minister, Justin Trudeau, is following that agenda perfectly,
refusing to talk with the peaceful trucker protesters, freezing funds donated
to them and their personal bank accounts, and attempting to force medical treatments on them against their free
Kennedy goes on to write on page 405, “Virtually
all of the scenario planning for pandemics employ technical assumptions and
strategies familiar to anyone who has read the CIA’s notorious psychological
warfare manuals…using imposed isolation and the demolition of traditional
economies to crush resistance, to foster chaos, demoralization, dependence and
fear, and for imposing centralized and autocratic governance.” Please let that
sink in, and please consider this book one of the essential manuals as we work
together to preserve our freedoms and restore those that have been lost.

But here’s something that is really exciting to
me. At the same time that these folks are planning a totalitarian world
government, humanity is in the midst of the greatest transformation to higher
consciousness ever imagined. We all know it is time. We know we cannot continue
the destructive actions of Homo Sapiens any longer. Our species is right on the
precipice of awakening to an entirely new way of being on the planet as Homo
Ahimsa. Ahimsa is the Sanskrit word for non-harm. Some of us are closer than
others, some more aware of this transformation than others, but all of us are
being invited to leave our competitive, hierarchical, dominating Homo Sapiens
identity behind and enter into the divine truth of who we are—the Homo Ahimsa gentle
caretakers of earth and partners with all life, including each other. This
nature is and has always been within us. The seed of lovingkindness and desire
to live nonviolently has always been a part of us.
As I observe the apparent chaos that swirls
around us, I see truckers willing to risk imprisonment and loss of income to
stand for our freedom to choose whether we want an experimental drug or not. I
see nurses and doctors losing their practices in order to stand firm against
forced injections without informed consent in order to uphold their Hippocratic
Oath to do no harm. I see police chiefs, sheriffs, soldiers and many people in
authority losing their jobs in order to stay true to their Oath to uphold and
defend the U.S. Constitution--the Constitution that was designed to prevent
tyranny and limit the power of top-down government. I see parents taking back their
authority to decide if their children get injected or masked. I see religious
leaders refusing to close the doors of their places of worship. Governors,
presidents, attorneys general, and politicians around the world are calling for
an end to all covid restrictions. Many of these people are not vegan yet; many
have never protested a war or handed out flyers on a street corner. Some have
not even realized yet that our actions, up ‘til now, have caused and continue
to cause the extinction of millions of species. But all over the world, during
these “covid” years, the truth is coming out. The damage and corruption are on
open display, and our freedoms are being threatened as never before. All of that
is bringing us together, and that is terrorism to them. We have a common cause.
It’s our own survival as a species, a species that must be free to be the
egalitarian, loving human beings we were always meant to be. We cannot survive
on the planet if the other animals are gone. We cannot fight for their freedom
from tyranny if we are not free.
So I see all these amazing people coming from
many different places—geographically, philosophically, culturally. The power
elites may not be capable psychologically of joining us, but they are welcome
to join us if their hearts can awaken. We are journeying upward on many paths
toward a new way of being in the world, a way in which we can be helpmates and
beloveds with the rest of our earth family. Having seen the harm that we are
capable of, let us embrace this holy opportunity to heal the damage we have
done, to never again follow “leaders” into wars for profit, to never again kill
and harm animals for any purpose, and to bring heaven to earth.
To those of you who are working so hard to
create a vegan world of peace and freedom for all beings, I want to say how
much I love and admire every one of you for your selflessness and for
demonstrating with such grace how to live as Homo Ahimsa. But I am also in awe
of the many people who are selflessly sacrificing their time and nonviolently
enduring the viciousness and violence of those bent on the control of us all.
They may not be vegan yet. They may not have connected all the dots yet, but
neither have we. The threat to animals that we face down every single day is
happening to us too. And, as I said, at the same time, the invitation to higher
consciousness and living in a holy, sacred manner is also at hand. This is an urgent,
yet glorious chance to bring Homo Ahimsa into being, but to make it happen, we
must also be very clear, courageous and bold. We have always said “animal
liberation is human liberation.” Never has it been more true than it is right now.
Judy McCoy Carman, M.A.
Author: Homo
Ahimsa: Who we Really are and how we’re going to save the world
"A few days ago in Canada an elderly man was pulled out of his vehicle, handcuffed and forcibly taken to jail. His crime? He honked in support of the 60,000 (and counting) truckers who are currently rallying in Canada in an ongoing peaceful protest for freedom".-- WHAT ? I am a Canadian and a vegan and fight for the animals, but I have never heard what you have just quoted here, nor do I believe it. Please show me proof of what you are alleging happened. The "truckers" protest is full of many factions, some of whom are NOT just peaceful protesters, I have watched them on TV and, apart from the idiots flying our flag upside down or worse, flags showing swastikas or Confederate flags, others are simply boors who haven't any idea what "freedom" they are fighting for, but are holding a city and its inhabitants hostage anyway, partying in hot tubs and swearing at those citizens who choose to obey the law and wear masks. I am watching the police action as I write and they are proceeding to clear the area in a very humane and peaceful way, even though some of the hardcore protesters have been aggressive - one even throwing a bicycle at a police horse's legs, causing him or her to fall...Are these people really the people you want to champion ?